“Stolen,” an intense thriller starring Abhishek Banerjee, has been making waves as India’s sole entry at the prestigious Venice Film Festival 2023, scheduled from August 30 to September 9. Directed by Karan Tejpal, “Stolen” had its special premiere at the Venice Film Festival alongside impressive international features like David Fincher’s “The Killer,” Bradley Cooper’s “Maestro,” and Sofia Coppola’s true-story movie “Priscilla.” The film’s cast and crew, along with the makers, attended this significant premiere.
The movie has garnered immense acclaim from both audiences and critics alike. Following the screening, “Stolen” received a warm and emotional standing ovation, putting Indian cinema on the global map. Venice’s artistic director, Alberto Barbera, described it as a “breathtaking action thriller” and a “hidden gem in world cinema.”
With international critical acclaim pouring in, the makers of “Stolen” have unveiled Abhishek Banerjee’s first look from the film. His intense, rugged appearance has piqued the interest of cinephiles.
“Stolen” is a highly anticipated thriller that tells the story of a five-month-old baby’s abduction from her mother. This incident draws the attention of brothers Gautam and Raman, leading them to face various challenges that test their relationships and convictions.
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Director Karan Tejpal and Producer Gaurav Dhingra expressed their excitement about the film’s reception at the Venice Film Festival. They shared their gratitude for the standing ovation and unveiled Abhishek Banerjee’s first look, eagerly anticipating the audience’s reactions.
Abhishek Banerjee, the lead actor, also shared his thoughts, describing “Stolen” as an extraordinary film and expressing immense gratitude for the love it received at its Venice premiere. He called the standing ovation the biggest reward as an actor and unveiled the first look image to thank the audience for their support.
“Stolen” is directed by Karan Tejpal and produced by Gaurav Dhingra of Jungle Book Studio. It also features Shubham and Mia Maelzer in key roles.