The festival of Dussehra signifies the victory of good over evil. It is also a day to make determinations to defeat the evil in your own life. Here is what these celebrities are determined to do.
Aniruddh Dave
We should not let negative thoughts overpower ourselves. We should get rid of the negative things and start fresh. This Dussehra, I would stop procrastinating and being lenient and will pull up my socks and push myself towards my goals. Wishing you all a very Happy Dussehra. Anger and ego do no good to anyone and that’s why we give the example of Ravan. I just wish everyone stays positive without keeping any ego as that would make our lives more beautiful.
Shaan Mishra
The festival of Dussehra signifies the victory of good over evil forces. The festival is of great importance to the farmers as it marks the harvest of Kharif crops and the sowing of Rabi crops. Dussehra comes from two Sanskrit words “Dasha” and “Hara”, where Dasha means ten (referring to the ten heads of Ravana) and hara means defeat (defeat of Ravana). The effigies of Ravana, his son Meghanada and brother Kumbhakaran are burnt on this day in several parts of the country. A habit I want to get rid of is sleeping late and the most important thing is trusting people.
Rahul Sharma
Dussehra is a good example of how we can differentiate good and evil. On this day what happened is the perfect example of why you should be good and why bad things and bad people and bad habits can lend you trouble despite having lots of qualities. This time I want to leave my habit of getting up late but because of the schedule it gets hectic. I will try my best to get up early and finish my workout and get my health in check. These two things I am looking forward to improvising.
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Charrul Malik
We wait the entire year for Dussehra and Diwali. When I was a child, we used to go to fun fairs and used to purchase swords and hanuman gada. I miss those days. Dussehra signifies good over evil and, on this day, we have to remove all our negativities. Negativity goes away with positive thoughts and for that you should have positive friends around. You should only think good things. I will always think positive about myself and about everybody.
Ishaan Singh Manhas
The significance of Dussehra as we know is the victory of good over evil and the victory of Lord Ram over Ravan. It can also be celebrated as someone’s victory over their own weaknesses, their bad habits, their flaws etc. A victory to become a better version of yourself. The one habit I really want to get rid of is my weakness for all kinds of sweets and desserts. Sometimes it just reverses all the hours I spent in the gym. And, of course, it affects the health too. So, to change that habit I am working on my self-control.
Hiten Paintal
Dussehra is all about winning of good over evil, personally I am a very positive human being and I look at the optimistic side of things. I have recently noticed that there are a lot of people who are very negative and I have learned that if you think negatively, then you are going to attract all the negative things. Everyone knows it but nobody really practices it to be positive. People should think about good things. Yes, people are dealing with the battles that they don’t know about but even in those situations you should always look at the bright side. One habit that I will try to get rid of is procrastination because I do it a lot. I will try my best to do things on time
For me, Dussehra is a new beginning, end of a chapter and start of a new one. One habit I want to get rid of is my lazy side. The side that relaxes after some bit of work. And get to it with a renewed vigour
Saanand Verma
I never take my exercise routine seriously so this Dussehra I want to be back to my workout routine. I used to run and walk a lot and do a lot of yoga and other exercises that I am not doing of late so that will be restarted. Dussehra is very significant for me and I am a big worshipper of Maa Durga. It’s all about Maa Durga’s ultimate power so I really feel that everything is very pure and adorable when we are just worshipping Maa Durga. You feel extremely pure, fresh and powerful because Maa gives you a lot of power and strength.
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Shehzada Dhami
Dussehra or Vijayadashmi signifies the end of negativity and evil within us and marks a fresh new beginning. Of late I have not been sleeping timely, so one habit that I would want to improve is to sleep timely and at least for 8 hours