Urvashi Rautela, the Bollywood actress, took to social media to welcome Bobby Deol to the NBK109 family. Expressing her excitement, gratitude, and anticipation for the collaboration, Urvashi shared a captivating picture of the two actors. She also conveyed her thanks to the Deol family for launching her into the film industry, expressing joy about sharing screen space with Bobby Deol in NBK109.
- Warm Welcome to Bobby Deol:
- Urvashi Rautela extends a warm welcome to Bobby Deol, expressing her thrill at having him join the NBK109 family. The actress shares a picture of the two, radiating camaraderie and excitement.
- Gratitude to Deol Family:
- Urvashi expresses gratitude to the Deol family for launching her into the world of cinema. She acknowledges the role of the Deol family in her debut film, “Singh Saab The Great,” and now looks forward to sharing the screen with Bobby Deol in NBK109.
- Excitement for NBK109:
- The actress conveys her excitement for the upcoming film NBK109, where she will be sharing screen space with Bobby Deol. Urvashi and Bobby are seen posing together, and the chemistry between the two actors is anticipated to be a highlight of the project.
- Directed by KS Ravindra:
- NBK109 is directed by KS Ravindra, also known as Bobby Kolli. The movie features an ensemble cast, including Nandamuri Balakrishna, Dulquer Salmaan, Krishna Murali Posani, and others.
- Production Details:
- The movie is produced by Sai Soujanya and Suryadevara Naga Vamsi under the banners of Fortune Four Cinema and Sithara Entertainment. The collaboration between Urvashi Rautela and Bobby Deol in NBK109 is expected to offer a delightful cinematic experience.
Urvashi Rautela’s warm welcome to Bobby Deol and her expressions of gratitude and excitement for NBK109 indicate the anticipation building up around this collaboration. As the Bollywood and South Indian film industries witness this dynamic pairing, fans eagerly await the on-screen chemistry between Urvashi Rautela and Bobby Deol in NBK109. Stay tuned for more updates on this much-anticipated project.