Actor Abhishek Banerjee is set to make a rare achievements on August 15th by becoming the first Bollywood actor in seven years to have two films releasing on the same day. This unique milestone was last achieved by Taapsee Pannu in 2017 with the releases of “Running Shaadi” and “Ghazi Attack”.
Abhishek Banerjee will celebrate this dual release with “Stree 2,” a much-anticipated horror comedy, and “Vedaa,” an intense action thriller. Both films showcase him in drastically different avatars, offering his fans a unique opportunity to experience his versatility as an actor.
Commenting on this momentous occasion, Abhishek Banerjee expressed his excitement, “It feels surreal to have two films are releasing on the same day. It’s like clashing with myself at the box office! I can’t choose which film is closer to my heart because it’s like choosing your favourite child or deciding which parent you love more. But what I can say is that it’s a fantastic opportunity for my fans to see two different sides of me on the same day.”
This rare event not only marks a significant moment in Abhishek Banerjee’s career but also provides a treat for Bollywood audiences, who will get to see him in both a comedic and a thrilling light.