Renowned filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari, known for his directorial successes, opens up about his latest venture, the ghazal album “Izhaar-E-Ishq.” In a recent interview, Tiwari shares his thoughts on the significance of good music, the inspiration behind the project, and the importance of preserving the timeless art of ghazals.
Tiwari begins by expressing his belief that challenging and noisy times call for the soothing influence of good music. He emphasizes the need for projects that provide people with an avenue to relieve stress and find solace. Tiwari’s quest for a meaningful project led him to lyricist S. Faheem Ahmed, whose ghazals resonated deeply with him.
Upon meeting Ahmed, Tiwari was captivated by the beauty of the ghazals and felt compelled to work on them. Despite initial concerns about how the melodies would be received, Tiwari remained steadfast in his commitment to creating a project that could touch the hearts of the audience. The result of this dedication is the ghazal album “Izhaar-E-Ishq.”
Tiwari collaborates with a talented lineup of singers for the ghazal album, including Jaizim Sharma, Hemant Brijwasi, Abhay Jodhpurkar, Meenal Jain, Prithvi Gandharva, Harman Nazim, Shehzad Ali, and Jajim Sharma. The album, with its soul-stirring melodies and intricate instruments, is a celebration of the rich tradition of ghazals.
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Expressing concern about the gradual decline of ghazals, Tiwari urges fellow musicians and writers in India to contribute to projects that can help save the existence of this timeless art form. He emphasizes the responsibility to revive an era of good music and hopes that “Izhaar-E-Ishq” can play a part in preserving the essence of ghazals.
Shemaroo Entertainment Ltd proudly presents the release of the “Izhaar-E-Ishq” album on its YouTube Channel, ‘Shemaroo Musical Maestros,’ with an audience of 9 million subscribers. The album invites listeners to experience the magic of nine enchanting ghazals, showcasing the beauty of this unique artistry.