Renowned filmmaker SS Rajamouli is set to embark on a momentous journey into the heart of Indian cinema history with his latest venture, “MADE IN INDIA.” Directed by National Award-winning Director Nitin Kakkar, this cinematic masterpiece is poised to be a monumental tribute to the inception and meteoric rise of Indian cinema.
“MADE IN INDIA” promises to take audiences on an epic journey, unraveling the captivating story of how Indian cinema came into being and ascended to its current prominence. This ambitious project is set to enthrall viewers with its compelling narrative and visually stunning storytelling.
The film is produced by Varun Gupta and SS Karthikeya under the banners of Max Studios and Showing Business, respectively. Further details regarding the cast and crew are eagerly anticipated, and the project holds great promise as it delves into the rich history of Indian cinema.