The much-anticipated sequel to the hit film “Lockup Death” is gearing up to begin shooting on April 15th. Produced by Shiv Aryan, known for his successful ventures in various languages, the movie promises an engaging storyline that will captivate audiences. The shooting will cover coastal areas in Kerala, commencing in the bustling IT hub of Bangalore.
Directed by MOHAN KUMAR, the film is poised to elevate the entertainment quotient with a blend of suspense, thriller, mystery, and action, surpassing its predecessor’s success. Shiv Aryan expresses confidence that “Lockup Death 2” will offer wholesome entertainment, inspired by positive elements drawn from successful films.
Under the banner of Registered Black Panther Movies Limited (LONDON), the film boasts a stellar team with Mohan Kumar as the director and Dr. Surekha Mhatre, Mamta Sunar, and Vibha Kumari as producers. Vipul Singh, Shubhendu Singh, and Saurabh Aryan serve as co-producers, ensuring a well-rounded production.
While the casting for the first season featured Kannada Superstar Devraj, the sequel aims to cast prominent talents from Malayalam, Kannada, and Tamil industries, promising an ensemble of top-tier performers. The film’s publicity is meticulously handled by Sanjay Bhushan Patiyala.
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As anticipation builds for the release of “Lockup Death 2,” fans eagerly await the unveiling of its cast and the thrilling narrative it promises to deliver. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project!