Banaras - Chandauli 17 March. Last Friday, March 15, was the birthday of Bhojpuri film mega star Khesari Lal Yadav. These days, Khesari Lal Yadav is shooting the Bhojpuri film "Dance" in Chandauli district of Uttar Pradesh, but even amidst this busyness, considering it as his duty, he took out time for public service and sat among the orphans. Khesari Lal Yadav did not celebrate his birthday alone, but on this special day, he reached the old age home and among the orphans neglected by the world. Khesari Lal Yadav wrote a post on this special occasion on social media and said that yesterday gave him peace. He said that yesterday on the occasion of his birthday, his loved ones celebrated by cutting the cake with Babu ji and mother, the children of the orphanage and the elders of the old age home. Khesari Lal also thanked his close people for planning a surprise party. Heartfelt thanks to Manoj Tiwari bhaiya for giving his blessings to my younger brother.
In this world, many people act and many people are superstars, but only the one who has got the skill of staying alive in the minds of people can be called the real public superstar. Khesari Lal Yadav is one such superstar in Bhojpuri film industry. On the occasion of his birthday, he said that your birthday should be special for others, everyone in the world lives for himself, but the person who acquires the art of living for others is a real artist. We remain engrossed in our happiness every moment, but when because of you, happiness appears on the faces of some people who have been despised by the society, then that moment gives us the most joy. All this information was given by Khesari Lal Yadav's personal publicist Sanjay Bhushan Patiala.