Actor Rahul Khanna has collaborated with Cottonworld to release the second part of the comfort trilogy of films titled ‘Be Comfortable with Uncomfortable.’ This film serves as a beautiful homage to the pursuit of authenticity and the art of embracing one’s true self. It celebrates the courage to find peace amidst life’s uncertainties, highlighting the collective journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.
Directed by Gautam Kohli, Creative Director at Cottonworld’s creative advertising agency Pulp India, the film focuses on individuals who embrace their “uncomfortable” aspects as defined by society, and live authentically.
Rahul Khanna, who lent his voice to the film, expressed his honor in being a part of this project. He stated, “I am honored to have voiced this ode to the courage of finding amity within adversity. This film is a celebration of the journey to self-assurance that resonates deeply with me and countless others. Together, we champion the glory that comes from being comfortable in one’s own skin.”
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The film encourages viewers to embrace their true selves and challenges societal norms that often dictate how people should live. It champions the idea of authenticity and self-acceptance, inspiring individuals to find comfort in their uniqueness.