Inmates of the House have been time and again proving it to themselves and also to the audience. In today’s episode it was clearly visible that Priyanka is extremely insecure of Nimrit and infact the lame reason for the nomination she gave was,” although I wanted to nominate Tina but I will nominate Nimrit as she is not fair”, which itself confirms how unfair Priyanka is. While all others given the power to nominate less Archana were in support of Nimrit, which confirms the fact that Nimrit is strong and extremely fair who takes a stands in the house for the right reasons at the right time. All the contestants post nomination process infact said,” Nimrit is always safe”, which proves her strength and perseverance, which is visible in the captaincy task promo. We know She has the Mettle of a Winner.
Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia is the strongest contestant in Bigg Boss inmates gratify the fact

*Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia is the strongest contestant in Bigg Boss inmates gratify the fact *
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Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia
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