Aditya Dhar, known for the massive success of “URI,” is currently working on his next directorial venture based on true events. The film takes inspiration from recent terrorist killings in Pakistan, believed to be backed by Indian intelligence agencies. It’s set to offer a visually unique experience with an unconventional treatment that hasn’t been explored in Hindi cinema before. The creators have conducted extensive research on the subject and possess detailed information about these assassinations.
Aditya Dhar’s directorials are known for thrilling and exciting stories, and this project promises to be equally brilliant. The film, inspired by real-life events, is being mounted on a massive scale, and the shooting is scheduled to begin in April-May 2024.
Aditya Dhar has a busy schedule, with his upcoming productions “Dhoom Dhaam,” “Baramulla,” and an untitled political thriller set to release in the next few months.