The upcoming film “Dono,” starring Rajveer Deol and Paloma and directed by Avnish Barjatya, has been garnering attention since its trailer launch. The Rajshri Productions film became a memorable and heartwarming experience for the debutants, as they shared how their respective families played a crucial role in supporting them during the challenging shoot days.
- Supportive Presence of Avnish’s Father: Avnish Barjatya expressed how his father, Sooraj Barjatya, played a pivotal role as a source of support on the set. His reassuring presence and valuable advice helped them navigate even the most stressful shoot days. Avnish considers his father a pillar of strength throughout the film’s production.
- Rajveer’s Cherished Memory: Rajveer Deol shared a heartwarming memory of his father, Sunny Deol, being present on the film’s set. On his very first day of shooting for “Dono,” Sunny Deol clapped for his son’s very first shot, creating a cherished memory for Rajveer. Additionally, Dharmendra, fondly known as Bade Papa, surprised Rajveer on a day when he was nervous about a challenging scene before the interval. Dharmendra’s presence boosted Rajveer’s confidence.
The Rajshri Film Legacy: Rajshri Productions, in its 76th year of establishment, continues its legacy as the fourth generation of the Barjatya family takes the reins. Rajshri has a tradition of launching fresh talent in the film industry, and “Dono” is a celebration of this legacy. The film is produced in association with Jio Studios and is set to release on October 5th, 2023.
The heartwarming stories of family support on the sets of “Dono” reflect the true essence of a Rajshri film, which has always celebrated the importance of family and relationships. The film promises to be a special addition to the Rajshri Productions legacy.