Nowadays, from the titles of Bhojpuri films, you will not be able to understand what is the subject matter of the film because nowadays the titles of most of the films are such that you do not even know what you will get to see in these films. But this is not the case with this film of Zee Bioscope. As you can see, the title of this film itself is Badki Mai. It is reflected from the title of this film that the film will focus on Badki Mai only. Now the thing to be seen is what is the role of this elder mother in this film? Is the role of Badki Mai a positive or a negative image? These days, films being made keeping the family background in mind are in great demand in the Bhojpuri film industry and one such film is Badki Mai. The shooting of this film starring young golden actor of Bhojpuri films Vimal Pandey has started in Basti, Uttar Pradesh. Vimal Pandey is playing the central character in the film, around whom the entire story of the film is told. In this film, the story of Badki Mai is told from the perspective of Vimal Pandey’s character. Vimal Pandey is continuously doing films these days and apart from producers/directors, Bhojpuri TV channels are also keeping an eye on him. Maya Yadav is going to be seen in the role of Badki Mai in the film. Maya Yadav has often been known for her strong roles in Bhojpuri films. Now Vimal Pandey’s performance as Badki Mai in this film will be closely watched. Actor Vimal Pandey says that this film completely focuses on the story of a joint family based on family values, in which an attempt has been made to unite the dignity of relationships, respect and social responsibilities. Deepak Shah is the producer of the film Badki Mai, being made under the banner of Zee Bioscope, while this film has been written by well-known film writer Santosh Mishra, whose story is being directed by Sujit Verma. Jahangir is doing the cinematography of the film Badki Mai. The cast of the film Badki Mai is Vimal Pandey, Raksha Gupta, Jai Yadav, Mani Bhattacharya, Vineet Vishal, Sanju Solanki, Maya Yadav, Neelam Pandey, Jagriti Gupta, Anshu Tiwari etc
Vimal Pandey started shooting of Zee Biscope’s film Badki Mai in Basti.!
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Vimal Pandey
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