Actor Navneet Malik, known for his nuanced portrayal in Neeraj Pandey’s The Freelancer, is gearing up for his lead role in the upcoming show “Aankh Micholi.” Navneet, who hails from Rohtak, recently received praise from fellow Rohtak native and acclaimed actor Jaideep Ahlawat for his performance in The Freelancer.
Jaideep Ahlawat reached out to Navneet, appreciating his work in The Freelancer and expressing pride in their shared Haryana roots. In a heartwarming message, Jaideep commended Navneet by saying, “Mahara Haryana Ka Chora Chale Phaad Raha Hai” (Our Haryana boy is rocking it). Navneet shared his gratitude for Jaideep’s words, emphasizing how the encouragement from someone of Jaideep’s stature motivates him to make his state and country proud in the future.
Navneet Malik’s role in The Freelancer, where he played Mohsin Fazal opposite Kashmira Pardeshi, received acclaim from both viewers and critics. Now, Navneet is set to portray the lead character, Sumedh, in “Aankh Micholi,” a show that revolves around the conflicting dreams of an undercover cop named Rukhmini.
Jaideep Ahlawat’s acknowledgment highlights the camaraderie and support within the industry, fostering a sense of pride and motivation for actors like Navneet Malik as they continue to make strides in their careers.