During this festive season, Shaiena Seth, a well-known entrepreneur and expert in astrology, tarot card reading, and numerology, offers some helpful insights about how the stars can impact our lives.
With the ongoing festive season, people are in the mood for shopping and celebrating. However, according to Shaiena Seth, the positions of celestial bodies can influence our choices. She suggests that we should pay attention to the colors we choose, as they can affect our emotions and well-being.
She recommends picking light colors like white pink and yellow rather than dark ones like red. This isn’t just a fashion tip; it’s based on astrology. Red is connected to the planet Mars, which can bring stress and conflict, while blue might be linked to feelings of sadness due to the presence of Rahu in the atmosphere.
For those dealing with anger or sadness, choosing lighter colors can be calming. By doing so, you might find a sense of peace that can help you stay positive during these trying times.
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Besides her astrological advice, Shaiena Seth encourages the spirit of Navratri, where every day can be a celebration. She emphasizes the importance of not only acquiring new things for ourselves but also extending kindness to those in need and taking care of animals on the streets. Her message is simple: keeping a positive mindset and staying connected to a higher power can give you the strength to overcome any challenges that come your way.