The trailer launch of the upcoming comedy film “What a Kismat,” directed by Mohan Azaad, the National Award-nominated writer of “Chandni Bar,” was unveiled recently. The event saw the presence of actors Yudhvir Dahiya, Vaishnavi Patwardhan, Ronit Agrawal, Srikant Maski, as well as singer and music director Goldie. Debutant director Mohan Azaad also graced the occasion.
Distributed by K Sera Sera, “What a Kismat” is set to hit cinemas on March 1, 2024.
The film’s storyline revolves around Chandu (portrayed by Yudhvir), a character described as a loser with big dreams. His wife Aarti (played by Vaishnavi) is tired of him, his frustrated boss (Bharat Dabholkar) is on the verge of firing him, and the ‘other girl’ (Mansi) doesn’t even acknowledge his existence. However, a twist of fate leads to a roller coaster ride in Chandu’s life. He suddenly acquires wealth, gains the attention of the ‘other girl,’ and finds himself pursued by the police. The narrative takes a comedic turn as Chandu navigates through the chaos, chased by an overzealous reporter (Srikant), an enthusiastic Inspector (Ronit), and an over smart SP (Tiku Talsania).
The film boasts a star-studded cast including Yudhvir Dahiya, Vaishnavi, Mansi, Tiku Talsania, Bharat Dabholkar, Ronit Agrawal, Bhavana Balsaver, Srikant Maski, Anand Mishra, Riya Chowdhury, and Atul. Produced by Anshay Rai, Lisa Rai, Akhilesh Rai, and Madhu Mohan, “What a Kismat” promises to deliver an entertaining blend of comedy and drama.
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Fans can anticipate a laughter-filled experience when the film hits the big screen on March 1st, 2024.