Renowned filmmaker Subhash Ghai recently praised Lucky Mehta, the actress from his show “Jaanki,” for her impressive acting skills. The appreciation came during the celebration of Lucky Mehta’s birthday on the show’s set on December 24.
Subhash Ghai made a surprise visit to the sets on December 25, expressing that he decided to visit after learning about Lucky Mehta’s birthday on social media. During his visit, Ghai interacted with the cast and crew, sharing lighthearted moments and discussions.
Lucky Mehta shared her joy about Subhash Ghai’s visit, mentioning that he monitored their scenes and provided positive feedback. Ghai specifically highlighted Lucky Mehta’s performance, stating that when she performs, the camera shakes. This acknowledgment from the veteran filmmaker left Lucky Mehta feeling blessed and inspired, considering Ghai’s stature in the industry.
“Jaanki” viewers and fans of Lucky Mehta can look forward to more captivating performances and moments in the show, with the added encouragement from Subhash Ghai.