The nine-night Hindu festival of Navratri, dedicated to Goddess Durga, is approaching. Celebrating unity, devotion, and traditional dances like Garba and Dandiya, it’s a time for colorful attire, prayers, and joyful celebrations. Artists from Star Bharat, Amandeep Sidhu, Sapna Sikarwar, and Nehha Pendse, share their cherished memories and plans for the festive Navratri season.
Amandeep Sidhu’s Perspective:
Amandeep Sidhu, portraying Siya in ‘Saubhagyavati Bhava-Niyam aur Shartien Laagu,’ finds a special connection between herself and Goddess Durga. She looks forward to playing dandiya, savoring traditional Navratri prasad, and enjoying vibrant festivities. Even amid a busy shooting schedule, Amandeep aims to join the Garba dance with friends and family.
Sapna Sikarwar’s Memories:
Sapna Sikarwar, renowned as Kashmira from ‘May I Come in Madam,’ recalls the significance of Navratri in her hometown. She cherishes childhood memories of dressing up, participating in garba dances, and the excitement of receiving gifts. Despite her busy schedule, Sapna’s mother will conduct the pooja at home in accordance with tradition. She plans to take some time off to join in Garba festivities and relive the joyful moments.
Nehha Pendse’s Outlook:
Nehha Pendse, known for her role as Sanjana in ‘May I Come in Madam,’ sees Navratri as a time of joy and togetherness. It represents the victory of good over evil and emphasizes community celebrations. She has fond memories of dancing and singing during Navratri. This year, Nehha is eager to create more wonderful memories, celebrate with friends and loved ones, and indulge in the delicious festive food.
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The artists invite everyone to watch ‘Saubhagyavati Bhava-Niyam aur Shartien Laagu’ and ‘May I Come in Madam’ on Star Bharat for more entertaining moments.
As Navratri approaches, Star Bharat artists share their excitement, memories, and plans for the festival, emphasizing the significance of unity, tradition, and joyful celebrations during this auspicious time dedicated to Goddess Durga.