Neha Dhupia, acclaimed actress and entrepreneur, is set to captivate audiences once again with the highly-anticipated sixth season of her popular podcast, “No Filter Neha,” now in video format. Neha, the creative force behind the show, has been its creator and producer, contributing to its immense success.
“No Filter Neha” has been a pioneering force in the podcasting landscape in India. Neha Dhupia’s unique approach to unfiltered conversations with celebrities has resonated with listeners, making the show a staple in digital entertainment. The new season will have a video-first approach, releasing on JioTV, ensuring a wider reach for each episode.
“I’m excited to reintroduce the sixth season of ‘No Filter Neha’ in a novel video format with JioTV. Witnessing the podcast’s evolution into a space for genuine and spontaneous discussions has been remarkable. This season, with eight episodes featuring prominent figures in Indian cinema, is set to be even more thrilling. Brace yourself for candid and unfiltered conversations offering a glimpse into the glamorous realm of the film industry,” expressed Neha Dhupia.
The new season, with a video-first approach, will be available for viewers on JioTV – a LIVE TV streaming platform, owned by Jio Platforms Limited. The upcoming season will showcase Neha in conversation with renowned personalities from the film industry, offering listeners an exclusive peek into the lives of these celebrated individuals. With a total of eight episodes lined up, each episode is set to be a treasure trove of anecdotes, revelations, and unfiltered moments.