Actor Mudasir Bhat stepped into the shoes of a forensic expert for the first time in his career for Watcho Exclusives web series “Oh My Wife!”, which recently released on Watcho. He portrayed the character Vivek, a proficient forensic expert, managing personal challenges amidst a significant murder case. The actor has now shared insights into why seasoned actor Kumud Mishra was constantly on his mind while preparing for his role in the web series.
“I haven’t played a forensic expert on screen before. While it had a few similarities with my role in Crackdown, I ensured that there was no resemblance of any sort. While preparing for the role in Oh My Wife! I had Kumud Mishra Ji in my mind. He had played a similar character in one of his films, and I kept that in mind and took inspiration from him. While it’s impossible to be as good as him, I put my best foot forward with my own touch,” he shared.
Sharing the reasons behind his decision to accept the series, Mudasir added, “When I first started reading the script, I was intrigued and curious to know the ending. And when I finally read the climax, I knew I wanted to be a part of it, as it had a binding effect. While the script captivated me a lot, honestly speaking, it was the bond that I shared with director Shaurya Singh that convinced me to say yes immediately. The conversation with him was so smooth and natural, that I accepted the offer to work with him, without talking about commercials.”
Oh My Wife!, written, and directed by Shaurya Singh, is a suspenseful thriller featuring Mudasir Bhat, Lokesh Batta, Sneha Singh Sisodia, and Deepanshi N. Shakya in pivotal roles. The Watcho Exclusives series revolves around Vivek, a skilled forensic expert, navigating personal turmoil amid a high-profile murder case. Balancing professional challenges and personal conflicts, Vivek faces a twist when suspicions arise about his wife. The series keeps viewers on edge, raising the question: Is Vivek’s wife hiding something sinister, or is the killer someone else entirely? The gripping narrative unfolds with suspense, keeping audiences guessing until the very end.
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Oh My Wife! is streaming on Watcho.