In the latest update on the Tamil remake of ‘Ringmaster,’ Malvi Malhotra has been cast to play the role originally portrayed by Keerthy Suresh. The film, directed by R Kannan, is a remake of the 2014 Malayalam comedy hit ‘Ring Master,’ written and directed by Rafi. Known for remaking films like ‘Jab Jab We Met’ and ‘The Great Indian Kitchen,’ R Kannan has assembled a multi-star cast for this project, and the shooting has already commenced.
Malvi Malhotra is set to play the character of Abhinaya, originally played by Keerthy Suresh in the Malayalam version. The filmmakers chose Malvi for the role, considering her similarity to the character. Malvi expressed her excitement about the project, saying, “I’m very happy and excited to be part of this remake. After I watched the film, I was so impressed by Keerthy Suresh’s role and started preparing for the character, taking workshops as well. Looking forward to giving my best to this film.”
Apart from the Tamil remake of ‘Ringmaster,’ Malvi Malhotra has upcoming projects, including the Telugu film ‘Tiragabhadara Saami,’ scheduled for release on February 23, and ‘Zorawar Di Jacqueline’ in the pipeline.