The popular television show “Udaariyaan,” produced by Sargun Mehta and Ravie Dubey, has taken a 20-year leap, leaving fans excited for the upcoming storyline and new cast. As the transition unfolds, the cherished characters of the show will be missed. However, it appears that the sentiment is shared not just by the viewers, but also by the show’s creators.
Sargun Mehta and Ravie Dubey recently shared an endearing reel on social media as a tribute to the cast of “Udaariyaan.” The heartfelt message conveyed their appreciation and admiration for the actors who have been an integral part of the show’s journey.
In their post, they wrote, “UDAARIYAAN KE ISS NAYE PADHAV MEIN neev daalne wale har actor ko dil se a da do do,” which translates to, “In this new phase of Udaariyaan, we send all our heartfelt love to the actors who have laid the foundation.” The post was accompanied by a video reel that showcased messages of gratitude and affection for the cast members.
For Priyanka Chahar, who portrayed the character of Tejo, they expressed, “She didn’t play the character of Tejo, she made it iconic. This message is a year too late but I had to put it out there. Thank you for being such a strong pillar of Udaariyaan. We love you and hope you know you have a family in us.” This heartfelt message underscored the impact of Priyanka Chahar’s performance on the show.
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Ankit Gupta, who plays Jahaan, received a touching tribute as well. The creators shared, “You were the 1st audition we saw for Udaariyaan, and it felt like Fateh and Jahaan were a match made in heaven. And now you are killing it as Jahaan every day. Dreamiyata is and will always be your family. Love, love, and love to you, Ankit Gupta.”
The reel also included heartfelt messages for other cast members, demonstrating the strong bond and camaraderie that has been forged during the show’s production.
As the show embarks on a new chapter with the introduction of fresh faces, including actors Anurag Chahal, Alisha Parveen, and Aditi Bhagat, fans can anticipate an exciting continuation of the Udaariyaan saga. The messages from Sargun Mehta and Ravie Dubey not only celebrate the past but also extend warm wishes to the new members who will contribute to the show’s evolving narrative