5th February,2024, Mumbai: The F3 association is set to commend its sixth anniversary celebration extravagantly with a Gala Night planned for the 28th of February, Wednesday. This selective occasion will happen at the esteemed Islam Gymkhana, situated along the famous Marine Drive in South Mumbai.
The Founder of F3 News
Established by the visionary Mohamed Juned Shaikh, F3 has turned into a striking and well popular name , uniting people from different foundations, including top government officials, I.P.S officials, VIPs, buisness men, and other celebrity visitors. The night vows to be a ritzy issue, with participation restricted to a limited and well known guests because of convention and security reasons.
Invitations for this prestigious event will be extended to a chosen few people not many, guaranteeing a private social event of recognized characters. To remain associated and accept your greeting, F3 urges people to watch out for the upcoming notices and declarations.
Awards Will Be Allotted To Selected Nominees
F3 has transformed into a striking and well-famous name, joining individuals from various foundations, including top government officers, I.P.S Officers , celebrities, business men, and other VIP guests. In acknowledgment of their achievements in their life, awards will be granted to people having a place with these classifications, further improving the glory of this powerful dinner night.
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The Gala Night Will Be Covered by 150 Media Coverages
This Gala Night isn’t simply a festival yet in addition perhaps of the main honor evenings in South Mumbai. With over 150+ media inclusion expected, the occasion makes certain to catch the consideration of general society and media the same, featuring the excitement and notoriety related with F3.
The setting, Islam Gymkhana, gives a pleasant scenery against the Marine Drive horizon, adding to the charm of the occasion. Known for its verifiable importance and lavish vibe, Islam Gymkhana sets the ideal stage for a night loaded up with class, festivity, and acknowledgment.
The Night Will Be Worth Remembering
As the date draws near, expectation works for what vows to be a paramount and select issue. F3 News, the main impetus behind this festival, welcomes everybody to participate in the fervor and remain tuned for additional subtleties. The F3 anniversary Gala Night is ready to be a night of richness and diversity, uniting the best and most brilliant for a memorable night.
The careful preparation and execution of the Anniversary Gala Night are shared with F3 News Marketing. For any requests or data in regards to the occasion, you can connect with them at F3news.india@gmail.com.
As the commencement starts, F3 News invites you to go along with them in celebrating six years of greatness, development, and significant reporting. Prepare for an extraordinary night that will wait in the memory of South Mumbai into the indefinite future.
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Best respects,
F3 News
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By-Sapna Meena