Celebrated actor Boman Irani, renowned for his versatile performances in Indian cinema, is set to take center stage as a speaker at four major events in London. The esteemed institutions where Boman Irani will share his insights include Oxford University, The London School of Economics (LSE), The British Parliament, and The Indian High Commission. The talented actor, who recently garnered acclaim for his role in the film ‘Dunki,’ expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to represent India on these prestigious global platforms.
In a social media post, Boman Irani shared his excitement about the upcoming events and stated, “It’s truly humbling to represent India on such esteemed global platforms and receive this recognition. I look forward to sharing my life experiences and the wisdom gained throughout my two-decade career with other bright minds there. Taking a piece of India with me, I’m truly grateful for this opportunity.”
Boman Irani has been entertaining audiences for over two decades and has established himself as one of the finest performers in Indian cinema. Apart from his acting career, Boman is gearing up for his directorial debut, and fans are eagerly awaiting more updates on this project.
Link to Boman Irani’s Instagram Post