Actress Bhumika Gurung, renowned for her captivating portrayal of Nimki in Star Bharat’s acclaimed show “Nimki Mukhiya,” is all set to make her return to television screens. After a brief hiatus, Bhumika is poised to reunite with Star Bharat for their upcoming “Revenge Thriller,” produced under the esteemed banner of Full Focus Entertainment.
Bhumika Gurung’s portrayal of Nimki garnered widespread acclaim and adoration from audiences, cementing her status as a versatile and talented actress in the television industry. Now, fans can rejoice as Bhumika prepares to captivate viewers once again with her stellar performance in this highly anticipated new show on Star Bharat which is said to go on air by mid-June, 2024.
In this upcoming revenge thriller, Bhumika is set to play a pivotal role, promising to enthrall audiences with her compelling presence and captivating portrayal. With her remarkable talent and dedication, Bhumika is all set to leave an indelible mark on viewers’ hearts once again.
As anticipation builds for this upcoming “Revenge Thriller,” on Star Bharat audiences can expect an exhilarating ride filled with suspense, drama, and Bhumika Gurung’s stellar performance. Stay tuned for further updates on this exciting new venture.
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