Ali Fazal, one of Bollywood’s most talented actors, has acknowledged the immense challenges of portraying the complex and intense character of Guddu Pandit in the highly anticipated Mirzapur 3. The upcoming season, directed by Gurmeet Singh and Anand Iyer and produced by Excel Entertainment, is set to stream soon on Amazon Prime Video. The series will see the return of beloved characters played by Pankaj Tripathi, Shweta Tripathi Sharma, Rasika Dugal, Vijay Varma, Harshita Gaur, Anjum Sharma, Priyanshu Painyuli, Isha Talwar, among others.
Ali Fazal says, “I suppose by default, the format has become an integral part of my life and performances. It’s the place where people can track the entire storyline across seasons. We’ve had season 1 and season 2, and while I don’t know what season 3 holds, I believe I’ve done justice to the character’s journey. This boy maintains his innocence despite the corruption around him. He’s a young, impressionable boy who gets turned into different things because of societal circumstances, and he becomes what he becomes. It’s taken a lot out of me, but I cherish it. It’s a world and a character I don’t belong to, but I’ve tried to understand it with my analytical approach—how they write, think, and interact in that setting. Stories can be told from any perspective, and this one is from Guddu’s. The rest is icing on the cake: the bodybuilder, the madness—these are effects of his core traumas. I aimed to portray compassion and show the audience the depth of what someone in his situation could go through. My biggest challenge was to detach myself and observe without judgment. I hope it brings some heart to the screen, wherever it is watched.”
Mirzapur 3 is set to bring another riveting season of power, revenge, and the dark underbelly of crime. Fans can look forward to an electrifying performance by Ali Fazal and a storyline that promises to keep them on the edge of their seats.