Renowned actor and devoted father, Karanvir Bohra, is making waves with his proactive stance in preserving cultural heritage by imparting the Marwari and Punjabi mother tongue to his children. In a heartfelt plea to parents worldwide, Bohra advocates for the inclusion of native languages in children’s upbringing, alongside Hindi and English.
Bohra recognizes the profound connection between language and culture, emphasizing the importance of nurturing linguistic diversity to instill a sense of pride and identity in future generations.
“Teaching my children our Marwari and Punjabi mother tongue is not just about language; it’s about preserving our culture and identity. I urge all parents to do the same and ensure our heritage thrives through the next generation,” remarked Karanvir Bohra.
In a world where globalization and cultural assimilation are prevalent, preserving mother tongues becomes imperative to maintain cultural identity and heritage. By passing down native languages to their children, parents contribute to the preservation of traditions, values, and customs unique to their community.
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Bohra’s advocacy serves as a reminder of the importance of linguistic diversity and the role it plays in shaping individuals’ sense of belonging and connection to their roots. As guardians of cultural heritage, parents have the power to ensure that their children retain and honor the invaluable legacy of their mother tongues.
Let’s heed Bohra’s call to action and join hands in ensuring that our children grow up with a deep appreciation for their linguistic and cultural heritage, thereby fostering a more inclusive and enriched society for generations to come.