&TV’s Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai never fails to entertain its audience with its humorous and enjoyable storylines. This time, viewers are in for a treat as Vibhuti Narayan Mishra (Aasif Sheikh) and Angoori Bhabi (Shubhangi Atre) get addicted to eating ‘Paan’, leading to hilarious chaos in the Modern colony. During the shooting of this sequence, the actors had to keep their mouths red, which meant indulging in a variety of paan, resulting in a fun paan party on the set.
Sharing his excitement about the ‘Paan Khaayein Saiyan’ track, Aasif Sheikh comments, “Our aim has always been to bring joy to our audience through funny storylines. In our upcoming track, Vibhuti finds himself hooked on paan, and Angoori (Shubhangi Atre) joins in, much to the chagrin of their partners Anita (Vidisha Srivastava) and Tiwari (Rohitashv Gour). This leads to chaos in Modern Colony as they spit it out, making a mess everywhere. Despite the chaos, shooting this sequence was a blast. Shubhangi and I indulged in plenty of paan to get into the skin of our characters. While I am not typically a paan enthusiast, there was no avoiding it on set. Surprisingly, all that paan consumption has piqued my interest, and I might not mind trying it out in the future. I am soon heading to Varanasi, which is famous for its Banarsi Paan. I am looking forward to trying it out this time around.”
Shubhangi Atre adds, “When our director suggested that we keep our mouths red all day for the shoot, I initially felt a bit self-conscious. But as soon as I held that paan in my hand, I was struck by its intricate folding, sealing in a blend of flavors. Back in Indore, I used to enjoy paan with friends, especially the Meetha Paan. So, I insisted that our crew recreate that same experience. Taking a bite, I met with the delightful fusion of sweet gulkand, spices, and the satisfying crunch of fennel seeds. Even the bitterness of supari added its unique touch. It was a simple yet incredible explosion of flavors, evoking memories of old times. Aasif ji (Vibhuti Narayan Mishra) and I had a blast, munching on paan and dancing to the timeless Bollywood track by Asha Bhosle Ji, ‘Paan Khaye Saiyan Hamaro’. Our aim has always been to entertain our audience with fresh, engaging content, achieved through brainstorming, crafting amusing storylines, and creating entertaining characters. I am keeping my fingers crossed that our viewers would enjoy this track just as much as we enjoyed shooting it.”
Don’t miss out on the hilarious ‘Paan Khaye Saiyan’ track next week on &TV’s Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai at 10:30 pm, from Monday to Friday!