The All Living Things Environment Film Festival (ALT EFF), India’s largest environmental film festival, has announced the winners of its 4th edition. Notable honorees include Jason Momoa’s “Deep Rising” and Luke Griswald-Tergis’ “Pleistocene Park,” reflecting a commitment to environmental causes and addressing climate change through the powerful medium of cinema.
- Best International Feature Film:
- “Deep Rising,” produced by Jason Momoa and directed by Matthieu Rytz, received the top honor for Best International Feature Film. The film highlights Momoa’s dedication to environmental causes, contributing to its recognition at ALT EFF 2023.
- Best of the Festival Award:
- The prestigious Best of the Festival award, presented by the Habitat Trust, went to “Pleistocene Park,” directed by Luke Griswald-Tergis. The film stands out for its impactful portrayal of environmental themes.
- Best Indian Features:
- “Against the Tide,” directed by Sarvnik Kaur, and “The Leopards Tribe,” directed by Miriam Chandy Menacherry, secured the title of Best Indian Features. These films captivated audiences with their compelling narratives and environmental messages.
- Other Winners:
- Best International Short: “From Dreams to Dust,” directed by Stephanie Tangkilisan, Muhammad Heri Fadli.
- Best Indian Short: “No Water, No Village,” directed by Munmun Dhalaria.
- Best Student Film: “Feeling the Apocalypse,” directed by Chen Sing Yao.
- Best Animated Film: “The Egret River,” by Wan-Ling Liu.
Conclusion: ALT EFF 2023, with its showcase of over 60 films from 50 countries, has successfully highlighted urgent environmental issues. The recognition of films like “Deep Rising” and “Pleistocene Park” underscores the transformative impact of cinema in fostering awareness and dialogue on climate change. The festival’s commitment to environmental advocacy is evident in its diverse selection of films that engage audiences across India.