The beloved actor NTR Jr., known as the “Man of Masses,” was recently spotted at Hyderabad airport with his two sons, Bhargav and Abhay, as they embarked on a journey. The trio looked picture-perfect and had a matching style, all donning black t-shirts. Here’s a closer look at their airport appearance:
In the video circulating on social media, NTR Jr. can be seen standing alongside his two sons at the airport. While the actor twinned in attire with his younger son, Abhay, his older son, Bhargav, stood beside them, managing the luggage. However, the destination of their trip remains undisclosed.
NTR Jr. is currently engrossed in the shooting of his upcoming film, “Devara,” directed by Koratala Siva. This film marks the reunion of the actor-director duo after their blockbuster collaboration, “Janatha Garage.” Additionally, “Devara” marks Janhvi Kapoor’s debut in the South Indian film industry.
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The film boasts Anirudh Ravichander as the music composer, Ratnavelu as the director of photography, and A Sreekar Prasad as the editor. Sabu Cyril heads the production design team, while Hollywood visual effects artist Brad Minnich has also been roped in for the project.