Renowned filmmaker Amol Gupte and director Shrabani Deodhar participated in the unveiling of author Soma Bose’s book titled “Frenny and Other Women You Have Met,” a collection of short stories that celebrate the lives of non-working homemakers. The event also featured an interactive discussion moderated by Roshmila Bhattacharya, which explored various aspects of relationships and the portrayal of these themes in the creative works of the participants.
During the discussion, Amol Gupte and Shrabani Deodhar shared insights into their own works and how they depicted relationships. Roshmila Bhattacharya, a prominent journalist turned author, recounted her personal journey from being a working journalist to an established author.
Soma Bose’s book is dedicated to non-working homemakers, highlighting their essential role in looking after their families, which often goes unrecognized. The book features five different characters from different parts of the world, including Frenny, Mrinalini, Shreyasi, Amiran, and Ananya, each navigating life and fulfilling their responsibilities toward their fathers, husbands, children, and teachers. The stories delve into the intricate emotions of these women and aim to promote an appreciation of the diverse contributions of women in various aspects of life.
The inspiration for these human-centric stories comes from Soma Bose’s experiences growing up in the coal-mining town of Dhanbad in Jharkhand, India. The author’s goal is to bridge the gap between working and non-working women, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and celebrating the roles of homemakers. Soma Bose’s book “Frenny and Other Women You Have Met” sheds light on the lives of these women and their significant contributions to society.