Mumbai witnessed the grand finale of the Face of India Achievers Award (Season One) at the Mukti Auditorium, where individuals excelling in various fields were honored for their outstanding contributions. The event was graced by luminaries from the TV and film industries, and notable personalities took center stage at the award show. The ceremony was marked by Mahima Chowdhary, who received the Face of India Achievers Award, and the recognition was extended to the accomplished rockstar singer Chintan Bakiwala.
The award ceremony witnessed the felicitation of esteemed veteran artists, including the likes of actor Mukesh Rishi, actress Poonam Jhawar, Riva Chowdhary, Bhojpuri actress Rani Chatterjee, musician Dilip Sen, and comedian Sunil Pal. These seasoned figures in the entertainment world were recognized for their significant contributions.
The event also served as a platform to acknowledge emerging artists, dedicated social workers, and successful entrepreneurs, with these celebrity artists personally presenting the trophies to the deserving recipients. Among the distinguished awardees were Kathak dancer Aparna Rao, Shilpa Gandhi, Shelli Mitra, Sajid Khan, Mangesh Wagdhale, producer-director KC Bokadia, Mustafa Yusufali Gom, actor Rohit Raj, actor Brijgopal, producer Mohan Nadar, Gajendra Srivastava, advocate Vikram Singh, Sanjay Singh (Creative Editor), Vastu Expert Basant Rai Wasia, Mahendra Srivastava, Nikesh Tarachand Shah Jain, Anita Sisodia (Director, Kritika Films Production), Gujarati Star Kiran Acharya, Yogendra Srivastava, and Yunus M Pathan (Garment Exporter).
The Face of India Achievers Award encompassed a diverse array of winners, ranging from actors, actresses, singers, filmmakers, and musicians to politicians and philanthropists. The event was made possible through the sponsorship of Khalid Khan (SKK Builder & Developer), Mukesh Gupta (Tirupati Balaji Media), along with the co-sponsorship of Babu Bhai Patel (Sitaram Infraproject Pvt Ltd) and Dharmdas Ramani (Dwarika Family Park).
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Tanmay Sen Gupta from Bins Entertainment and Puneet Khare, Proprietor of Mayuri Media Works, orchestrated the successful execution of the event. Mahima Chowdhary took the opportunity to extend her best wishes and words of encouragement to all the dignitaries present. Actor Mukesh Rishi shared that each award is a reflection of thoughtful consideration and hard work, urging artists to continue honing their craft with the confidence that their efforts will ultimately be acknowledged.
The event organizers, Tanmay Sen Gupta and Puneet Khare, expressed their gratitude to the celebrity participants, emphasizing that their presence elevated the prestige of the award show. They encouraged budding artists to showcase their talents wholeheartedly, assuring them that their artistic endeavors would consistently be honored. The evening was made all the more delightful by Sunil Pal’s entertaining mimicry performance, leaving the audience in high spirits.